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/ MacWorld 1999 March - Disc 1 / Macworld (1999-03) (Disk 1).dmg / Shareware World / Utilities / Data & Time / Professional Support 3.1 / Caller.FP3 (.txt) next >
FileMaker Pro Database  |  1999-01-03  |  159KB  |  618 lines

  1. HBAM2016AUG95
  2. Pro 3.0
  3. rd 11.25.44
  4. Spl3GVCi
  5. Temporary Files
  6. Temporary Files
  7. Temporary Files
  8. porary Files
  9. FPTHA
  10. MARI@
  11. NAME@
  12. VDEF@
  13. HBAM3016AUG95
  14. ps0001
  15. Pro 2.0 - 2.1F!
  16. Pro 3.0 - 4.0
  17. YyTtG
  18. Sunday
  19. Monday
  20. Tuesday
  21.     Wednesday
  22. Thursday
  23. Friday
  24. Saturday
  25. January
  26. February
  27. March
  28. April
  29. August
  30.     September
  31. October
  32. November
  33. December
  34. 1st Quarter
  35. 2nd Quarter
  36. 3rd Quarter
  37. 4th Quarter
  38. 1/3/998
  39. VgWgP
  40. Helpers
  41. 1/3/99
  43. MARIA
  44. Scripts.FM
  45. MSPCA
  46. NAMEA
  47. Scripts.FP3
  49. ZONEA
  50. RRPTH
  51. FPTHARMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 1.0v3:Template Files:Phones.FP3
  52. MSPCA
  53. NAMEA
  54. Phones.FP3
  55. RPTHA
  56. Phones.FP3
  57. Make the Dream
  58. Phones.FP3
  59. FMP3FMP3
  60. Template Files
  61. RMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 1.0v3:Template Files:Phones.FP3
  62. SRPTH
  63. FPTHASMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 1.0v3:Template Files:Support.FP3
  64. Contact IDw
  65. City, State & Zipx
  66. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  67. First Name, Last Name
  68. Equipment Description
  69. Contact NameR
  70. Contact IDT
  71. Company NameV
  72. SupportZ
  73. Scripts\
  74. Print^
  75. List`
  76. Findb
  77. Helpd
  78. Caller ListB
  79. MRPTH
  80. FPTHAMMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support:Template Files:Support.FP3
  81. MSPCA
  82. NAMEA
  83. Support.FP3
  84. RPTHA
  85. Support.FP3
  86. Make the Dream
  87. Support.FP3
  88. {$FMP3FMP3
  89. Template Files
  90. MMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support:Template Files:Support.FP3
  91. ?RPTH
  93. MARIA
  94. Welcome.FM
  95. MSPCA
  96. NAMEA
  97. Welcome.FP3
  98. RPTHA
  99. ::WELCOME.FP3
  100. ZONEA
  101. ?RPTH
  102. !ZONE
  103. Open Support
  104. ANUsed to open the Support.FP3 file, which is where each support call is stored.
  105. AsUsed to open the Help.FP3 file, which houses various help related information for the Professional Support package.
  106. Open Scripts
  107. Used to open the Scripts.FP3 file, which is used to memorize support call situations, that can be easily reused for similar support call situations.
  108. :RPTH
  109.     MSPC
  110. FPTHA:Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Help.FP3
  111. MSPCA
  112. NAMEA    
  113. Help.FP3
  114. RPTHA
  115. Help.FP3
  116.     Hard Disk
  117. Help.FP3
  118. FMP3FMP3
  119. Professional Support 3.5
  120. :Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Help.FP3
  121. =RPTH
  122. FPTHA=Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Support.FP3
  123. MSPCA
  124. NAMEA
  125. Support.FP3
  126. RPTHA
  127. Support.FP3
  128.     Hard Disk
  129. Support.FP3
  130. {$FMP3FMP3
  131. Professional Support 3.5
  132. =Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Support.FP3
  133. (LIST
  134. LISTA%Phone
  135. Mobile
  136. Pager
  137. Email
  138. Web Site
  139. VDEFA(
  140. (LIST
  141. LISTA8Main
  142. Feedback
  143. Support
  144. Scripts
  145. Equipment
  146. Vendor
  147. VDEFA(
  148. Contact ListB
  149. Go Do Pick List
  150. FMRLA
  151. FMRLA
  152. FMRLA
  153. Phones Via Contact IDB
  154. Support Via Contact IDC
  155. Equip Via Contact ID
  156. XUses an associated global text field and value list to allow the user to select an operation or navigational option (such as go to or perform). The script uses a nested IF statement to see what the field contains when the script is activated and performs an associated set of actions (such as going somewhere or perfoming a series of actions).
  157. ! = "Main"
  158. ! = "Help"
  159. ! = "Feedback"
  160. Feedback
  161. ! = "Support"
  162. Support
  163. ! = "Scripts"
  164. Scripts
  165. ! = "Equipment"
  166.     Equipment
  167. ! = "Vendor"
  168. Vendor
  169. Go To Related Equipment
  170. Go / Do Script
  171.  activated and performs an associated set of actions (such as going somewhere or perfoming a series of actions).
  172. ! = "Main"
  173. ! = "Help"
  174. ! = "Feedback"
  175. Feedback
  176. ! = "Support"
  177. Support
  178. ! = "Scripts"
  179. Scripts
  180. Go To Related Equipment
  181. A;Goes to the layout associated with the fourth defined TAB. 
  182. Go To 5
  183. A:Goes to the layout associated with the fifth defined TAB. 
  184. Go To 6
  185. About
  186. Open Support
  187. Open Scripts
  188. Sort Company
  189. Reverse Sort Company
  190. Go To 1
  191. Go To 2
  192. Go To 3
  193. Go To 4
  194. Go To 5
  195. Go To 6
  196. Go / Do Script
  197. Go To Related Equipment
  198. Create New Related Equipment
  199. Go To Related Caller History
  200. Create New Related Support Call
  201. P3 file, which is where each support call is stored.
  202. AsUsed to open the Help.FP3 file, which houses various help related information for the Professional Support package.
  203. Open Scripts
  204. Sort Company
  205. AISorts all records in the found set by using the company name from A to Z.
  206. Reverse Sort Company
  207. AZSorts all records in the found set by using the company name in reverse order from Z to A.
  208. Go To 1
  209. A:Goes to the layout associated with the first defined TAB. 
  210.     Helvetica
  211. Geneva
  212. Helvetica Black
  213. Gill Sans Condensed Bold
  214. Bodoni MT Ultra Bold
  215. Machine
  216. eWorld Tight
  217. ::WELCOME.FM
  218. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  219. Allows you to choose a listed piece of equipment from the Caller.FP3 file and jump to the full screen description of it in the Equip.FP3.  Allows you to drill down for more information.
  220. About
  221. AqUsed to go to the layout in the Welcome.FP3 file that explains a little about the Professional Support solution. 
  222. Create New Related Equipment
  223. Allows you to create a new listed piece of equipment from the Caller.FP3 file and jump to the full screen description of it in the Equip.FP3.  Allows you to drill down for more information.
  224. Go To Related Caller History
  225. Allows you to choose a listed support call from the Caller.FP3 file and jump to the full screen description of it in the Support.FP3.  Allows you to drill down for more information.
  226. Create New Related Support Call
  227. Serial Number
  228. Warranty Ends
  229. Wty Status
  230. New Piece Of Equipment
  231. 333333
  232. wwwwww
  233. UUUUUU
  234. DDDDDD
  235. """"""
  236. ffffff
  237. ffff33
  238. ff33ff
  239. ff3333
  240. 33ffff
  241. 33ff33
  242. ffff 
  243. ::WELCOME.FM
  244. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  245. ffff 
  246. ::WELCOME.FM
  247. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  248. ff33 
  249. UUUUUU 
  250. ::WELCOME.FM
  251. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  252. ffff 
  253. ::WELCOME.FM
  254. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  255. ffff 
  256. ::WELCOME.FM
  257. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  258. ff33 
  259. UUUUUU 
  260. ::WELCOME.FM
  261. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  262. ::WELCOME.FM
  263. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  264. ffff 
  265. ffff 
  266. ::WELCOME.FM
  267. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  268. ff33 
  269. UUUUUU 
  270. ::WELCOME.FM
  271. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  272. ::WELCOME.FM
  273. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  274. ::WELCOME.FM
  275. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  276. ::WELCOME.FM
  277. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  278. ::WELCOME.FM
  279. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  280. ::WELCOME.FM
  281. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  282. ~ffff
  283. ffffff
  284. ffff33
  285. ff33ff
  286. ff3333
  287. 33ffff
  288. 33ff33
  289. 3333ff
  290. 333333
  291. ::WELCOME.FM
  292. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  293. wwwwww
  294. UUUUUU
  295. DDDDDD
  296. """"""
  297. ME.FM
  298. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  299. ME.FM
  300. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  301. ME.FM
  302. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  303. ME.FM
  304. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  305. ffff 
  306. ff33 
  307. 33ff 
  308. 3333 
  309. ME.FM
  310. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  311. 2-EquipmentB
  312. ffff 
  313. ME.FM
  314. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  315. ffff 
  316. ME.FM
  317. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  318. ff33 
  319. UUUUUU 
  320. ME.FM
  321. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  322. ME.FM
  323. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  324. ffff 
  325. ffff 
  326. ME.FM
  327. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  328. ff33 
  329. UUUUUU 
  330. ME.FM
  331. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  332. ME.FM
  333. er:Professional Support:Scripts.FM
  334. Contact IDw
  335. City, State & Zip
  336. ;RPTH
  337.     alis
  338. FPTHA;Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Equip.FP3
  339. MSPCA
  340. NAMEA
  341.     Equip.FP3
  342. RPTHA    Equip.FP3
  343.     Hard Disk
  344. D    Equip.FP3
  345. FMP3FMP3
  346. Professional Support 3.5
  347. ;Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Equip.FP3
  348. <RPTH
  349. FPTHA<Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Vendor.FP3
  350. MSPCA
  351. NAMEA
  352. Vendor.FP3
  353. RPTHA
  354. Vendor.FP3
  355.     Hard Disk
  356. Vendor.FP3
  357. FMP3FMP3
  358. Professional Support 3.5
  359. <Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Vendor.FP3
  360. A    3-HistoryB
  361. >RPTH
  362. FPTHA>Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Feedback.FP3
  363. MSPCA
  364. NAMEA
  365. Feedback.FP3
  366. RPTHA
  367. Feedback.FP3
  368.     Hard Disk
  369. Feedback.FP3
  370. FMP3FMP3
  371. Professional Support 3.5
  372. >Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Feedback.FP3
  373. FPTHA;Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Equip.FP3
  374. MSPCA
  375. NAMEA
  376.     Equip.FP3
  377. RPTHA    Equip.FP3
  378.     Hard Disk
  379. D    Equip.FP3
  380. FMP3FMP3
  381. Professional Support 3.5
  382. ;Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Equip.FP3
  383. Contact IDw
  384. City, State & Zipx
  385. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  386. First Name, Last Name
  387. Contact Type
  388. Information
  389.  Caller Information
  390. Contact Title
  391. k" Various Caller Re-Contact Methods
  392.  Special Comments
  393. .....................
  394. .....................
  395. .....................
  396. History
  397.     Equipment
  398. General Info
  399.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  400. Print
  401. Support
  402. Scripts
  403.  IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  404. Commentsst
  405. Comments List
  407. Commentsfile
  408. :Template Files:Support.FP3
  409. Scripts.FM
  410. MSPCA
  411.     ADDRESS 1
  412.     ADDRESS 2
  419.     EQUIPMENT
  422. !    LAST NAME
  427. STATE
  429. First NameB
  430. A    Last NameB
  431. A    Address 1B
  432. A    Address 2B
  433. Company NameB
  434. CityB
  435. StateB
  436. PhoneB
  437. US English - Spelling
  438. MSPCA
  439. NAMEA
  440. Support.FP3
  441. RPTHA
  442. Support.FP3
  443. Make the Dream
  444. Support.FP3
  445. {$FMP3FMP3
  446. Template Files
  447. SMake the Dream:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 1.0v3:Template Files:Support.FP3
  448. =RPTH
  449. FPTHA=Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Welcome.FP3
  450. MSPCA
  451. NAMEA
  452. Welcome.FP3
  453. RPTHA
  454. Welcome.FP3
  455.     Hard Disk
  456. Welcome.FP3
  457. y}FMP3FMP3
  458. Professional Support 3.5
  459. =Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:Professional Support 3.5:Welcome.FP3
  460. Contact IDB
  461. PS0003
  462. A    EquipmentB
  463. Special CommentsB
  464. Whole NameB
  465. Contact TitleB
  466. Created ByB
  467. Modified ByB
  468. Created DateB
  469. Modification DateB
  470. Created TimeB
  471. Modified TimeB
  472. Go Do GlobalB
  473. Support
  474. <@XA    1-General
  475. Caller List
  476. 2-Equipment
  477. A    3-History
  478. 4-Unused
  479. 5-Unused
  480. 6-Unused
  481. Support.FM
  482. A:Goes to the layout associated with the sixth defined TAB. 
  483. ~ffff
  484. ffffff
  485. ffff33
  486. ff33ff
  487. ff3333
  488. 33ffff
  489. 33ff33
  490. 333333
  491. wwwwww
  492. UUUUUU
  493. DDDDDD
  494. """"""
  495. Allows you to create a new support call from the Caller.FP3 file and jump to the full screen data entry of it in the Support.FP3.  
  496. 5-UnusedB
  497. A    1-GeneralB
  498. A:Goes to the layout associated with the third defined TAB. 
  499. Go To 4
  500. Go To 6
  501. Go To 6
  502.  Caller Information
  503. Support
  504. Scripts
  505. Print
  506. Contact Title
  507. k5 Equipment owned or used by the caller / organization
  508. .....................
  509. .....................
  510. .....................
  511. History
  512.     Equipment
  513. General Info
  514.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  515. IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  516. 4-UnusedB
  517. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  518. First Name, Last Name
  519.  Caller Information
  520. Contact Title
  521. .....................
  522. .....................
  523. .....................
  524. History
  525.     Equipment
  526. General Info
  527. 9Currently Unused
  528. Available to custom business information
  529.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  530. Print
  531. Support
  532. Scripts
  533. Contact IDw
  534. City, State & Zipx
  535. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  536. First Name, Last Name
  537.  Caller Information
  538. Contact Title
  539. .....................
  540. .....................
  541. .....................
  542. History
  543.     Equipment
  544. General Info
  545.  Caller Support History
  546. Session Title
  547. Logged Cases in Support File
  548.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  549. Print
  550. Support
  551. Scripts
  552. (IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  553. New Support Call Entry
  554. Support Rep That Took The Call
  555. )IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  556. FPTHA
  557. MARI@
  558. NAME@
  559. VDEF@
  560. FPTHA
  561. MARI@
  562. NAME@
  563. VDEF@
  564. )IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  565. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  566. First Name, Last Name
  567.  Caller Information
  568. Contact Title
  569. .....................
  570. .....................
  571. .....................
  572. History
  573.     Equipment
  574. General Info
  575. 9Currently Unused
  576. Available to custom business information
  577.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  578. Print
  579. Support
  580. Scripts
  581. Contact IDw
  582. City, State & Zip
  583. 6-UnusedB
  584. )IPick the option you want to do or go to. Then click the yellow do button.
  585. FPTHA
  586. Company Namey    Address 2z    Address 1{
  587. First Name, Last Name
  588.  Caller Information
  589. Contact Title
  590. .....................
  591. .....................
  592. .....................
  593. History
  594.     Equipment
  595. General Info
  596. 9Currently Unused
  597. Available to custom business information
  598.  1997 - 1999 LeSaux Media Services     All Rights Reserved  
  599. Print
  600. Support
  601. Scripts
  602. Contact IDw
  603. City, State & Zip
  604. Go To 2
  605. A;Goes to the layout associated with the second defined TAB. 
  606. Go To 3
  607. DwayneB
  608. WrightC
  609. 2250 Ridgepoint DriveD
  610. Suite 1007E
  611. LeSaux Media ServiceF
  612. AustinG
  613. 78754U
  614. PS0001V
  615. PowerBook 520
  616. Compaq 425
  617. Dwayne Wright